Why choose RealGame business simulations?

RealGame business simulation effectiveness is supported by academic research
Visit our research page to learn more about research with and about RealGame business simulation.
Join us from all over the world
Over 45 000 RealGame learners in over 40 countries have enjoyed RealGame - an efficient and engaging learning experience with evident benefits.
After working with RealGame...
62,2 %
of students were able to name more concepts,
50 %
Increase in the accuracy of concepts,
65,5 %
of students described more cause-effect connections between processes.
Participants’ understanding of the organization’s ERP
RealGame was part of an ERP training program for over 200 specialists and managers in a global organization representing 10 nationalities with outstanding results.
RealGame Business Simulation For Your Course
RealGame for Supply Chain Management

RealGame for Procurement Management

RealGame for Sustainable SCM

RealGame for Operations Management

RealGame for Finance & Accounting Management

What do teachers need to start teaching with RealGame?
Starting teaching with RealGame is simple and requires only:
Teacher Training provided by RealGame Course plan, easy with RealGame resources
Computers with internet connection for teacher and students
Setting up a RealGame session and inviting students to login to their simulation companies.


Why do educators choose RealGame?

Benefits for Teachers:
Real-time simulations with a focus on processes,
Flexibility and ease of use,
Supports student-centered learning approach,
Based on the latest pedagogy and research,
Multi-campus/multi-site teaching,
Cloud-based service with no installation and maintenance,
Integrates content from various disciplines.
Benefits for Students:
Engaging and efficient digital learning,
Concrete work-life skills in an authentic environment,
Integrates theory and practice,
Access from anywhere - classroom and virtual learning,
​Dynamic business processes on a transactional level,
Develops teamwork, communication, and decision-making.