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Procurement and Inventory Management

RealGame business simulations logo
business simulation
Graphic image of two procurement and logistics workers

For whom is this course?

Undergraduate and graduate  students in

Business and Engineering/Production Management

Graphic image of notebook, calculator, pencil, and papers

Procurement and inventory management

is for courses that aim 

to establish 

understanding of how suppliers' decisions affect inventory management

Learning Outcomes


- Component purchase prices, 

- Component purchase lot sizes, 

- Delivery times, 

- Supplier delivery accuracy (delivery precision), 

- Component delivery costs, 

- Inventory carrying cost, 

- Sufficient inventory levels / safety stocks, 

- Waste from inventory, and 

- Costs from inventories.

Graphic image of a supply chain management worker with laptop and boxes

During the simulation the learners gain understanding of the following concepts:

Team work

In teams of 3-4 participants,

students manage their simulation companies. 

Aim is to foster data-driven decisions that allow to organise inventory management efficiently

Ticked task
Laptop with RealGame Business Simulation Interface

The real-time processed RealGame simulation allows students to immediately see the effects of each action on the entire supply chain.

Gaming time - 3-4 sessions


The simulation can be 2-4 ECTS


Simulation model in use: RealGame Procurement

Four Reasons Why You Should Choose RealGame Business Simulation For Your Course

1) Other educators recommend RealGame

Students have been more engaged in learning than with other online classes. Student feedback has been really positive: RealGame is a great way of learning instead of just having lectures or team assignments on Zoom.

University lecturer in Supply Chain Management

My experiences of learning with RealGame are highly positive. Students really like RealGame – the gaming experience glued a large group of students together, which is was appreciated especially having had online teaching for so long.

University lecturer in Mechanical Engineering

2) RealGame effectiveness is supported by academic research

After RealGame...

62,2 %

of students were able to name more concepts

+50 %

increase in accuracy of concepts

65,5 %

of students described more cause-effect-connections between processes.

Other studies about RealGame

Learning leadership skills in a simulated business environment

Flow framework for analyzing the quality of educational games

The Design Principles for Flow Experience in Educational Games

The effects of computer-simulation game training on participants' opinions on leadership styles

Generating Research Questions from Digital Trace Data: A Machine-Learning Method for Discovering Patterns in a Dynamic Environment

Organizing for collaboration in simulation-based environments: An affordance perspective

Technological, Organisational and Socio-Interactional Affordances in Simulation-Based Collaborative Learning

Decision-Making in a Real-Time Business Simulation Game: Cultural and Demographic Aspects in Small Group Dynamics

3) RealGame boosts positive feedback from students

Thanks to RealGame I realized that team spirit is one of the most important values in business life because it is thanks to it we have succeeded in this game.

Student, LaRochelle University, 2022

During RealGame simulation I have learned the importance of good marketing, product quality, and high enough margins. Also how to manage SCM and that every decision will affect the whole business.

Student, Vaasa UAS, 2022

The game itself offers a lot of different data that players can use to their advantage. This is very helpful.

Student, XAMK, 2022

Definitely the best course during my studies. Playing was really fun and educational at the same time.

Student, Tampere University, 2022

4) Evident Benefits For Both Teachers and Students

Benefits for teachers

Easy-to-use for both teachers and students


RealGame simulations are suitable for both online and classroom teaching


No installation or maintenance needed 


Transaction specific and real time operated environment allows to illustrate all theoretical aspects in practice  


Comprehensive teaching materials and support  


RealGame simulations are based on research and latest pedagogy


Suitable also for very large student groups 

Benefits for students

Engaging, efficient and fun!


Collaborative learning in an authentic environment 


Illustrates dynamic business processes on a transactional and multi-disciplinary level 


Intuitive navigation and versatile learning content 


Accessible from anywhere


Boosts communication and collaboration skills through teamwork


Develops concrete work life skills such as project management, EPR systems, management accounting, data analytics, teamwork etc. 

Excited to learn more?

Graphic image of RealGame customer support employees

Book a Free Demo

During the free demo you can 
- see how the simulation works
- test it yourself
- learn how to apply RealGame on your course, and more. 

RealGame Business Simulations

Address: Vilkastuksenkatu 10, FI-20320 Turku, Finland


Phone: +358 400 445 913

Contact info:

  • LinkedIn


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