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business simulations

Business Operations and Management

Capstone Course
Business operations and management

For whom is this course?


Undergraduate and graduate  students in Business

or Engineering/Production Management


Capstone Course for Business and Operations Management allows students to study business management and operations holistically 

Students manage a

business as an entity comprised of various operations and functions all affecting each other

Learning Outcomes

After completion, the students will:

  • understand how different areas in business studies are connected,

  • understand how operations connect to the entity of enterprise functions and in making profit,

  • understand the role of an system ERP and its significance for managing a company,

  • be able to apply different business analysis tools for planning and managing a business, and

  • understand how strategic tools and thinking can be used for direction setting.


The course may include: â€‹


  • developing a business plan,

  • analyzing profitability in light of various parameters and reporting to different stakeholders,

  • strategic analyses of company operations and the competitive situation (SWOT, PESTEL, benchmarking),

  • calculations related to company’s basic supply chain and ERP parameters,

  • income statement and profitability, gross margin, and cash flow analysis, market analysis.

Team work

In teams of 3-4 participants,

students manage their simulation companies. 

Aim is to manage business processes in an efficient, balanced and profitable manner towards the jointly agreed strategic goals.

tick point sample
Laptop with RealGame Business Simulation Interface

The real-time processed RealGame simulation allows students to immediately see the effects of each action on all operational areas.

Gaming time: 4-6 sessions


The simulation can be 5-8 ECTS


Recommended simulation model: RealGame Network

Why should I choose Business Operations and Management  for my course?

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During the free demo you can 
- see how the simulation works
- test it yourself
- learn how to apply RealGame on your course, and more.
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